June 15, 2008


Today is the most important day of the year. Or so I have often heard from my dad. I would like to argue that there are two other holidays in competition with Father's Day; March 25th and November 22nd, the days my dad's girls were born. I am partial to the 25th, in no small part because this is a number I share with my dad (and with Christmas!). And this number is just the beginning. Over the years I have realized that some of my best qualities come from my father. My sense of humor comes from listening to my dad at the dinner table, entertaining all with his storytelling and humor. When I laugh, really belly laugh, I sound like him, something that used to bother me (I sound like a man when I laugh!) but now I am rather pleased by. My love of books came from watching him devour novels and it was from my father that I learned the importance of an afternoon nap! Thanks Dad, for all of these things that make me, your daughter, a better person. And thank you for your unwavering love and support, it means the world to me.

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