Strawberries have always been one of my favorite treats. For my birthday breakfasts growing up I was treated to strawberry shortcake and I remember one year in particular when the strawberry fairy visited and left an entire flat of berries on my front porch. Best present-ever.
So, you can imagine how excited I was to head upstate for some strawberry pickin'. The rain that has been falling steadily for the past few weeks did not scare me, in fact we managed to time it so we were picking during a break in the clouds and the lovely wind that swept through kept us and the berries at a perfect picking temperature. The conditions were so ideal, we managed to pick over 30 lbs of berries, exciting while we were at the farm (and once we realized we could take Emma's car home and not lug 30 lbs of berries on the train and multiple subways). Not so exciting last night, when 30 lbs of berries had to be jammed. Strawberry/Balsamic, Strawberry/Rhubard, Early Glow (small, sweet berries--the most labor intensive to pick), and just plain old Strawberry Jam were all made last night. And now they are resting comfortably ("setting"). Stay tuned for more jamming adventures, this is just the beginning.................
Photos courtesy of the very talented Emma McCarthy
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