April 14, 2009

A Confession

I haven't felt much like blogging lately. Somehow the words aren't coming to me. Somehow I have gotten caught up in life here and while things are still new and exciting--spring is here, flowers are blooming and new possibilities are arriving on my doorstep daily--I am lacking the motivation to share. You know, with you, my two dear readers. I've noticed the cyclical nature of my writing/creative urges before. Sometimes I am so uninspired and other times I feel this really strong desire to get some thought out. I have always been impressed with "writers" and people dedicated to their craft-people who seem to wake up with only one thought in mind, to create. And then I wonder if I lack dedication or follow through. Perhaps my problem is that I want it all-to do it all, see it all, taste it all and feel it all. But first, my lovelies, I'm off to bed, it's been a long day (and perhaps more about that some other time).

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